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25 Apr 2024

Eccles Associates, Inc.

Eccles Associates provides world-class financial advisory and corporate finance services to emerging businesses in fast-growth sectors. We differentiate our business services by providing exceptional turnaround time and quality solutions that uniquely fit the customers short, intermediate and long-term financial goals and strategic objectives.

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"Today's businesses are looking for practical solutions to increase productivity, cut costs, become more customer focused and in the end, increase profits. Eccles Associates identifies the best solutions to solve business problems and also create new opportunities"

Radika Eccles, President
Eccles Associates

"The SA economy is highly developed and rests on a solid foundation of enforceable laws and regulations. Financial, legal, communications, energy and transport sectors are all well developed. A modern transportation infrastructure allows for the efficient distribution of goods throughout the country and surrounding region. An example of SA’s high level of development is its stock market, which ranks amongst the 10 largest in the world."

Cynthia Biklian, Zephyr Africa, South Africa Venture Capital Association
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